The personal data protection principles of Lingerie Le Chat

Your requests for changes to your personal data

  • For all other requests to access, obtain, correct or delete your personal data, please write to us at : [email protected]


This page describes the principles with which Lingerie Le Chat collects various types of data on its customers. The elements described on this page are explained in detail in the data protection principles of Lingerie Le Chat.

This page also details the commitments made by Lingerie Le Chat regarding its data protection and security policy in order to ensure maximum respect for your privacy.



In order to avoid any misinterpretation, here are a few explanations of the terms used :

  • Personal data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An ‘identifiable natural person’ is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly.
  • Processing: any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means (collection, recording, transmission, storage, retrieval, consultation, use, combination, segmentation, etc.).


Data controller

All personal data provided to Lingerie Le Chat is processed under the responsibility of:

Le Textile Indémaillable SAS, BP 119

71170 Chauffailles - France,

SIRET : 795 520 246 00013

How do we collect your data?

Collection of your personal data (such as name and contact details) is usually based on your customer relationship or another relevant relationship with us. For example, we collect data when you register as a user on our website, use Lingerie Le Chat services or provide us with other information.

When you visit Lingerie Le Chat websites or load pages, you provide us with various types of anonymous browsing data, such as your IP address and browsing history. The services operate based on the use of cookies.

We can collect data according to your consent.

We record calls to Customer Services so that we can review the actual conversation, if necessary.

We also collect the data of our potential customers when they take part in competitions, prize draws or customer events.


What data do we collect?

This data includes your full name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, direct marketing information and consent, information on the company contact person, company name, information provided by yourself, customer classification information, order, delivery, consent and invoicing. We store information that can be linked to you.

Data created and collected during communication includes information on the communicating parties, time of connection, routing information, data transfer protocol, format of connection and location information.

When browsing on the Internet, ‘measurement data’ is collected using cookies. These cookies cannot be linked to an individual.

The customer information we collect helps us to personalise and continuously improve your purchasing experience on the Lingerie Le Chat website. We use this information to process orders, deliver products and services, process payments, communicate with you about your orders, our products and services and promotional offers, maintain and update our files and thus your accounts with us, provide you with content such as wish lists and customer reviews, and recommend products and services that may interest you. We also use this information to improve our stores and websites, prevent or detect fraud or abuse on our website and allow third parties to provide technical, logistical or other functions on our behalf.





We collect and record all the information you provide to us via our website or otherwise. You can choose not to provide some information; however, this decision risks limiting use of our services. We use the information you provide to us to respond to your requests, personalise your future purchases, improve our services and communicate with you.



Every time you contact us, we receive and record certain types of information. Like many other websites, we use ‘cookies’ and obtain certain types of information when your browser accesses the Lingerie Le Chat website or adverts and other content displayed on other websites by Lingerie Le Chat or on its behalf.



To maximise the benefits and relevance of our emails, if your computer permits it, we often receive confirmation of emails sent by Lingerie Le Chat that you have opened. If you do not wish to receive emails from us, let us know in your account.


How do we manage your information?

Please note that employees of Lingerie Le Chat and its subsidiaries and their subcontractors are bound by an obligation of secrecy when processing your data.

We keep your data confidential and ensure it is only used for the intended purposes.

VYour data is processed in order to provide and deliver communication and other agreed services, improve services, invoice, provide you with the best and most comprehensive service possible, and inform you about our services.

We also use your data to communicate with customers, such as by sending information about our services and for direct marketing purposes.

We also use the data for customer profiling using invoicing, usage amounts, length of the customer relationship and external classifications. We use both summarised usage data and data specific to individuals to create target groups for marketing.

We process the data of our potential customers for direct marketing purposes.

We strive to ensure that customer data is up to date and correct.

We delete obsolete and unnecessary data whenever possible.

We protect all your data through task-based personal access rights and prevent third parties from accessing data.


Where do we send your data?

We only submit your data within the limits permitted by applicable law and, as stated in the file description, to the authorities and other telecommunications companies.

When we use subcontractors, we will sign a security agreement with them that also covers the use of your data. We are also responsible for the handling of your data.


The data protection principles of Lingerie Le Chat

The aim of this data protection policy is to describe the principles and practices we follow at Lingerie Le Chat to ensure protection of privacy, confidentiality of communications and legal protection for our customers.

Lingerie Le Chat updates this policy regularly as operations or services change or develop. For this reason, we encourage you to view the latest policy regularly.

The basic values that are important to Lingerie Le Chat include the confidentiality of customer data and communications, as well as the protection of customers’ private lives, in all company operations. When handling our customers’ personal data, we follow French law, orders and instructions from the authorities and good data processing practices.

Lingerie Le Chat achieves a high level of data protection. Personal, identification and location data is collected only for specific, intended and lawful purposes and is not processed in a manner that is incompatible with these objectives.

We protect the security of your personal data during transmission using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) software, which encrypts the information you enter before it is sent..

We maintain physical and electronic security measures and backup procedures in relation to the collection, storage and disclosure of customers’ personal information. Our security procedures may require us to request proof of your identify before we can disclose your personal information to you..

We provide our staff with ongoing training on the principles of data processing and monitor the use of data by appropriate means.


General principles of the management of customer data

The processing of personal data must always be justified for Lingerie Le Chat operations. Lingerie Le Chat has outlined the purpose of the collection, handling and submission of personal data in the following section.

Lingerie Le Chat processes only customer data that is necessary for its operations, as outlined in the purpose of use stated in the file description for the customer record. We strive not to process inaccurate, incomplete or obsolete data.

The processing of customer data is generally based on a relevant relationship, information received when using or registering for a service or your consent. We can also process your data for other reasons; for example, at your request or when required by law. Your information may be processed within Lingerie Le Chat. We encourage our customers to update their contact details regularly.

We record your conversations with our Customer Services department to verify a business transaction, respond to your requests, and monitor and improve service quality.

Please note that as a Lingerie Le Chat customer, you have the right to check what personal data has been stored in our information system, or that none of your personal data is in our file. You can also refuse the use of your data in accordance with the relevant legislation. This inspection can be carried out once a year at no cost. Data inspection requests must be made in a document signed between Lingerie Le Chat and you.


Collection, storage, retrieval and processing of personal data




  • Data collected : mail address and messages
  • Objective : Customer relationship management
  • Data storage : Recorded in a database
  • Storage period : 2 years
  • Data access :Lingerie Le Chat Customer Services department
  • Is data stored or processed outside the EU No
  • Data collected :  full name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, direct marketing information and consent, information on the company contact person, company name, information provided by yourself, customer classification information, order, delivery, consent and invoicing. We store information that can be linked to you.
  • Objective : Orders/Tracking orders/Address/Returns/Credit notes/Loyalty management
  • Data storage : Recorded in a database
  • Storage period : 2 years after the last order.
  • Data access : Logistics (partial access, only to data relating to the processing and shipping of your order)/Marketing department/Customer Services department
  • Is data stored or processed outside the EU? No
  • Data collected: : email address
  • Objective : Marketing emails
  • Data storage :Opt-in database
  • Storage period : Customer opt-in period unless he/she opts out
  • Data access : Marketing department
  • Is data stored or processed outside the EU? : No



Pursuant to the ‘Data Protection’ Act, you can exercise your right to access and correct your data via the contact button at the top of this page








  • Service provider information :
  • Service provider location : United States
  • Objective :Log in to your customer account on the website via your Facebook account
  • Is data stored or processed outside the EU? : Yes
  • Service provider’s GDPR charter :


Google Analytics


Google Adwords




Data sending and sharing

Lingerie Le Chat can only submit your data to third parties in accordance with the legislation in force. We submit your information to the authorities on request; for example, the police and security authorities, as well as other authorities for reasons specified by the legislation.

Information relating to our customers is an important part of our business and we do not sell it. We share this information only in the cases described previously and for the purposes outlined in this privacy policy. It is subject either to this privacy policy or to rules that provide at least as much protection..

Furthermore, we may send your data to processors. In this case, we will ensure that the confidentiality of this data is maintained, and we will also be responsible for data management. If we process your data outside the EU, we will protect it and ensure appropriate data processing by the processor.


Processing of identification and location data relating to electronic communications

Lingerie Le Chat treats all data and messages created during communications as confidential. Our employees are bound by an obligation of secrecy and are forbidden from using messages or other confidential information. When communication is made via a network, it always leaves a trace. These network traces are called identification data if they can be connected to an individual. Network traces are created during, for example, phone calls, the sending of electronic and SMS messages and Internet browsing, and may contain information on the contacts, the connection route or routing, the data transfer protocol used, the occasion and the devices used or their location

Lingerie Le Chat manages identification and location information from communications in accordance with the law in force for the purposes of, for example, implementing and using the services, invoicing and technical development. Consent, marketing. Data can also be used for the invoicing of other service providers as necessary.

Lingerie Le Chat may also manage identification data in case of misuse, data security breaches or fault repair.

In all of the above situations, we process identification and location data only to the extent necessary to perform a certain specific task.


Use of location data

An actual location method where one person can track or find another person requires the consent of the person being located. The customer cannot be located at all if he/she does not agree to geolocation.

If we submit geolocation information to location service providers, we take appropriate steps to ensure the consent of the person being located.


Persons authorised to manage identification and location data

Only specific individuals at Lingerie Le Chat, whose work requires access to identification and location data, can process this data.

In practice, authorisation is only given to individuals carrying out tasks relating to invoicing, maintenance or improvement of communications networks or services, prevention and investigation of abuse, customer services and marketing. Persons with the right to handle data can only manage it as required to carry out individual tasks.

Duration of processing of identification and location data and data storage

We process identification and location data for as long as is necessary for the purposes of invoicing, technical development, fault repair, marketing, investigations into misuse and data security. However, data is only handled to the extent required by these actions and without unduly compromising the confidentiality of a message and the protection of privacy.

We store data required for invoicing for a period of at least two years and not exceeding ten years from the invoice due date, except where it is necessary to store the data for a longer period associated with collection of the invoice. Otherwise, data is stored as permitted and required by the relevant legislation.


Websites, visit tracking

We also collect data on website visits. This data includes the associated IP address and DNS name, the organisation that registered the IP address, the name and address of the page visited, the time the page was loaded and the type of browser.

Please note that the IP address is a form of identification that is required for the Internet to work, and is used to direct messages transmitted over the Internet to the appropriate places. As a general rule, the IP address is not linked to the person using the computer, but may be linked to the organisation that registered the IP address. The IP address connection can be established at the request of the authorities.



As a Lingerie Le Chat customer, you can view our websites anonymously. However, like most websites, we use cookie technology. When you display our website, the cookie uses a randomly generated number for the browser that does not reveal your identity. Cookies help Lingerie Le Chat to determine which sections of its websites are the most popular, where visitors go and how much time they spend there. The data is used to implement and improve services and target advertising on its websites.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by changing your browser settings. In some cases, this may make browsing the pages or website slow or impossible.


Data security

We ensure the data security of our services using methods proportionate to the severity and sophistication of the threat and cost.

Lingerie Le Chat takes steps aimed at preventing data security breaches and removing interferences that affect data security. Furthermore, we make every effort to ensure that the confidentiality of messages and the protection of privacy are not unduly compromised when carrying out the above actions.

We provide information on actions relating to the data security of our services and other data security issues through appropriate channels, such as our website and customer newsletters.

In order to prevent data security breaches and remove interferences that affect data security, we can, among other things, prevent the receipt of electronic messages, remove viruses and other malware from messages and take other, similar technical steps. Necessary measures within the authorised and required limits specified in the relevant legislation. We use physical, administrative and technical safeguards to maintain the secrecy of messages and identification data transmitted on the communications network. These actions reduce the risk of your data being disclosed to third parties and prevent any misuse or other unauthorised access. Some of our services also use standard encryption methods.

Please note that as a user of Lingerie Le Chat services, you must also use the most appropriate methods to ensure your own data security. We encourage you to store and use our services and your devices carefully and control their use; for example, by using secure codes and unique passwords, using a suitable antivirus and firewall, and keeping these and the operating system up to date.


Customer communication and direct marketing

Lingerie Le Chat sends messages about its products and services to its customers in accordance with the consent given in the customer account.

Lingerie Le Chat also sends direct marketing messages in electronic format. You have the right to forbid Lingerie Le Chat from sending direct marketing messages. You can withdraw consent for marketing by following the instructions included in the direct marketing message or via your customer account on our website.